Surrealistische werken/Surrealistic paintings.

Another planet 60 x 80cm olieverf op papier.




Surrealistic Andes mountains in zuid Amerika. 60 x 80cm Accryl paint.





Child visions 60 x 80cm potlood, aquarel




As a varytail 80 x 80cm olieverf.




Tropical swamp (Brazil) 100 x 120cm olieverf.




With your feet between the piranha’s 60 x 80cm olieverf.




Vreemde verhoudingen 60 x 80cm potlood




Voorspellingen 30 x 40cm olieverf.




Indian secrets from south Amerika 20 x 30cm potlood, aquarel.




fantasies of man olieverf.