- 1. Netherlands (all pronvinces).
2. Germany 53 times
3. Belgium 26 times
4. Luxenburg 4 times
5. French 6 times
6. Austria 8 times
7. Liechtenstein 1 time
8. Switzerland 2 times
9. Italy 4 times
10. Portugal 3 times
11. Spain 1 time
12. Slovenia 1 time
13. Croatia 2 times
14. Greece 1 time - 15 Norway 1 time
- 16 Sweden 1 time
- 17. Denmark 1 time
- 18. Turkey 1 time (the asian part of Turkey).
19. Thailand 5 times (included Phi phi islands).
20. Malaysia 3 times (east and west part included Penang).
21. Brunei 1 time
22. Laos 1 time
23. Indonesia (first time 6 month’s) 5 times
- 24. 3 month’s Kenya 2 times (included island Lamu).
25. Uganda 1 time
26. Zaïre 1 time - 27. Marroko
- 28. Surinam 3 month’s
29. Britch Guiana 1 time
30. Venuzuela 2 times
31. Brazil 1 time
32. Equador 1 time
33. Trinidad 1 time (caribbean sea).
-The most beautyfull country on earth I have seen was Indonesia. I have seen there 19 islands. The country has over 17600 islands. I was been 6 month’s in Sumatra, Siberut island at the west of this big island was one of the most interesting ones. I also have seen the island Borneo, Sulawesi, the Molukku islands (Ternate/ Morotai) and north west Irian jaya included Raja ampat).
Still two countries are on my buggitlist to visit, the last countries on the equadorital line I still didn’t have seen yet are Gabon and Belgium Kongo. Almost all the countries are on or near the Equadorline. The countries with a yellow collar where places where I was been less than 5 ours.

I traveled a lot on and around the equador.

This was in Bali, watch the other parts on YouTube
My trip in Brunei (island Borneo).
Varaan Brunei (isalnd Borneo).
Kota Kinabalu (east Malaysia).